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Can Suboxone Treatment Help Me Overcome Opioid Addiction?

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Medically Verified: August 5, 2021

All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

If you are addicted to opioids, you know just how difficult it is to stop using them. Between the flu-like withdrawal symptoms that can become really intense and the strong drug cravings that just don’t seem to go away, overcoming opioid addiction can feel impossible. Thankfully, medications like Suboxone can be used during addiction treatment to make detox and recovery easier.

Suboxone treatment programs in West Palm Beach combine medication, behavioral therapy, and counseling–a treatment approach referred to as medication-assisted treatment (MAT). MAT is thought to provide individuals with a whole-patient approach that can address their individual needs. Whether you’ve been to rehab before and weren’t able to stay sober or this is your first attempt at quitting opioids, Suboxone may be able to help.

What is Suboxone (Buprenorphine/Naloxone) and How Does it Work?


Suboxone is a medication that is approved by the FDA to treat opioid use disorder. It comes in the form of a sublingual or buccal film that is placed under the tongue or between the cheek and gums where it dissolves and absorbs into the bloodstream. Suboxone contains two active ingredients, buprenorphine and naloxone, both of which play important roles.

Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist. It binds to opioid receptors in the brain and blocks them, reducing withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings. Naloxone, on the other hand, is a full opioid antagonist that blocks the euphoric effects of opioids. These two drugs work together to prevent severe opioid withdrawal and drug cravings.[1]

Clinical trials have found Suboxone to be very effective. In one trial, patients taking Suboxone in combination with counseling for 12 weeks had better treatment outcomes than those who only received detox services and counseling. Individuals taking Suboxone were less likely to drop out of treatment early or use opioids and other drugs.[2]

Does Suboxone Have Any Side Effects?

Suboxone, like other medications, may cause mild or serious side effects. More common side effects of Suboxone include:[3]

suboxone common side effects

  • headache
  • opioid withdrawal symptoms, such as body aches, abdominal cramps, and rapid heart rate
  • anxiety
  • insomnia (trouble sleeping)
  • sweating
  • depression
  • constipation
  • nausea
  • weakness or fatigue
  • back pain
  • burning or tingling tongue
  • redness or irritation in the mouth

If you are taking Suboxone and these side effects do not go away within a couple of days or weeks, you should speak with a doctor or pharmacist.

Other more serious side effects are not common, but they can occur in a small number of people. Call your doctor immediately or seek emergency medical care if you experience any of the following while taking Suboxone.

suboxone severe side effects

  • severe allergic reaction
  • difficulty breathing
  • coma
  • hormone problems (adrenal insufficiency)
  • liver damage
  • severe opioid withdrawal symptoms

What Can I Expect During Suboxone Treatment in West Palm Beach?

Treatment with Suboxone for opioid addiction is similar to regular addiction treatment programs–just with the incorporation of Suboxone and additional medical services. Here’s what you can expect if you enroll in a Suboxone program in West Palm Beach.

You’ll Start With Detox

Before you can begin therapy and counseling, you need to detox in a medically supervised setting. Although opioid withdrawal is generally not life-threatening, there is a high risk for relapse. Medical detox can keep you safe and supported as you go through withdrawal.

You may begin taking Suboxone during detox to help alleviate your symptoms. However, you must wait at least 12-14 hours after your last dose of opioids before you can start the medication. Starting Suboxone too early can make you sick.[3] Once you begin taking Suboxone, your symptoms will become less severe and your cravings will be more tolerable.

Throughout your time spent in detox, nurses will monitor you, check your vitals, and administer your medications. After 3-4 days you should be ready to move onto the rehab portion of your care.

Individually-Tailored Treatment Plans

Suboxone is most effective when combined with behavioral therapy and counseling that is tailored to meet your specific needs. For example, if you struggle with depression, your care should include depression treatment. If you have a history of trauma or PTSD, you should obtain trauma-informed care. Regardless of your needs, both group and individual therapy are important parts of addiction treatment.

During treatment with Suboxone in West Palm Beach, you may participate in any or all of the following therapies:

  • Behavioral therapy (CBT, DBT, REBT, etc.)
  • Holistic therapy (art, music, dance, yoga, meditation, and more)
  • Family therapy
  • Life skills education
  • Relapse prevention
  • Nutrition and exercise

While Suboxone helps stabilize your mind and body, therapy teaches you how to live sober in the long run.

Medication Management and Doctors Visits

Suboxone can only be prescribed by doctors who have completed specialized training for medication-assisted treatment (MAT). Similarly, patients who are taking Suboxone must have regular scheduled visits and check-ins with their prescribing doctor.

Throughout your time in treatment, and for as long as you continue taking Suboxone, you are expected to attend your scheduled appointments. If you stop complying with treatment, you may no longer have access to Suboxone. This is because it is intended to be used in tandem with counseling.

Find Out if Suboxone Treatment in West Palm Beach is Right For You

Suboxone is an extremely helpful medication that can decrease the risk for relapse and illicit opioid use. However, this medication is not right for everyone. You should always speak with a doctor before taking Suboxone or any other medication.

Here at Mandala Healing Center, we’re dedicated to helping you find the treatment approach that works for you. If you are struggling with addiction, pick up the phone and call now to speak with one of our admissions counselors. We can help you decide if our programs are right for you.

