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What to Expect From a Cocaine Rehab in South Florida

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Medically Verified: March 17, 2023

All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

Many people use cocaine recreationally, and some may not understand the risks of this popular club drug. But cocaine use and addiction can seriously harm your health and safety. It’s essential to understand the risks of using cocaine and how to find cocaine rehab in South Florida so you can get the help you need to stop.

If you or someone you love need cocaine rehab, reach out to the caring specialists at the Mandala Healing Center to explore your treatment options and get started.

What is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a highly-addictive stimulant drug derived from the South American coca plant. Cocaine’s effects include stimulation and euphoria, making it a popular club drug. 

People ingest cocaine by snorting it, rubbing it on the gums, injecting it, or smoking it. Snorting it in powder form is the most common way to ingest it. 

The most recognizable form of cocaine is a fine, white powder. Drug dealers sometimes add similar-looking substances to cocaine, such as baking soda or baby powder, because it allows them to bulk up their supplies and make more money. But this makes cocaine highly dangerous because it’s nearly impossible to know exactly what you are ingesting when you use it.

For many, cocaine provides an intense rush of pleasure and energy. But for some, it can be a negative experience. People may experience uncomfortable symptoms, including:

  • Agitation
  • Aggression
  • Lack of inhibition
  • Muscle twitches
  • Intense enthusiasm
  • Inability to focus or concentrate

Existing mental health issues can worsen the adverse symptoms of cocaine use, but they can occur in anyone who uses the drug. 

Cocaine Abuse and Addiction: Do I Need Cocaine Rehab?

People may begin using cocaine recreationally and then develop cravings that keep them coming back for more. Cocaine’s pleasurable effects are a result of the way the drug affects the brain’s pleasure and reward systems. Using cocaine one time can rewire how your brain works and make it difficult to stop using it. 

Some of the signs of addiction that may require treatment from a cocaine rehab include:

  • Needing to use larger doses of cocaine to get the desired effects
  • Intense cravings for the drug
  • Mixing cocaine with other drugs or alcohol
  • Legal or financial trouble related to cocaine use
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Neglecting hygiene
  • Falling behind at work, school, or home because of cocaine use
  • Only spending time with others who use cocaine or other drugs
  • Having withdrawal symptoms when you stop using it
  • Wanting to stop but feeling like you can’t

Getting help for cocaine addiction is essential to avoid the short and long-term risks of abusing the drug. 

The Dangers of Cocaine Use

Long-term effects of cocaine abuse can be fatal, but even short-term use is risky. The practice of cutting other substances into white powder cocaine is so common that users cannot possibly know what they’re taking–and this could be deadly. Other drugs, such as Fentanyl, can be fatal in tiny doses. When they’re added to cocaine, users can quickly overdose or develop life-threatening complications. 

Cocaine abuse is hard on your body, even without experiencing a life-threatening medical emergency. Cocaine use is associated with severe, life-threatening heart problems, including:

  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Arrhythmias
  • Hypertension
  • Aortic rupture
  • Compromised cardiac function
  • Inflammation of the heart muscle

Cocaine use can also lead to stroke, brain damage, and kidney damage. Over time, cocaine use can negatively impact your ability to think and reason and is associated with the following:

  • Poor cognitive performance
  • Shorter attention span
  • Difficulty with decision-making

People who inject cocaine are at risk of Hepatitis C, HIV, and other blood-borne diseases. 

The risk of addiction and negative outcomes is so high that immediate, comprehensive treatment is essential to anyone using cocaine. The sooner you seek treatment, the better the results will be. 

What Happens in a South Florida Cocaine Rehab?

The first step of cocaine rehab is often medically-supported detox. The effects of cocaine withdrawal can be intense, and people may struggle to detox on their own. The effects of cocaine withdrawal include:

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Changes in appetite
  • Nightmares
  • Slowed thinking
  • Insomnia

Medications, supervision, holistic therapies, and emotional support can help people have a safe, complete cocaine detox.

After detox is complete, people must move on to a comprehensive substance abuse treatment program. Cocaine rehab programs may use a combination of evidence-based and holistic treatments to address the physical, emotional, and behavioral effects of cocaine addiction. These include:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group support
  • Family therapy
  • Medications
  • Mental health treatment
  • Education
  • Holistic therapies like exercise, nutrition, mindfulness, massage, and acupuncture

After completing a treatment program, people must develop and follow an aftercare plan to keep them engaged and active in their recovery and avoid relapse. 

Find Cocaine Rehab in South Florida Now

Cocaine use and addiction can severely harm your mind, body, and relationships. Don’t wait another day for the treatment you need. Reach out to the compassionate team at Mandala Healing Center to learn more about your treatment options or find the support you need at any stage of addiction recovery. 


