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What is Borg Drinking? Understanding the Dangers

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Medically Verified: November 7, 2023

All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

As a parent, keeping up with popular trends can be exhausting. But some trends are more important for parents and other adults to be aware of than others. While you may not need to know about the personal lives of your teen’s favorite celebrities or the newest slang terms, you should know about trends involving drug and alcohol use. 

One of the most recent drinking trends is something called “borg drinking.” While the name might sound a little silly, borg drinking is actually a very dangerous practice that you should take seriously.

This article will explain what borg drinking is, its risks, and what steps you can take to get the help you need. Reach out to the Mandala Healing Center to learn about our holistic treatment programs or to schedule an intake assessment.

What is Borg Drinking?

Borg drinking is a popular practice on social media and among teens–especially college students. The term “borg” stands for Black Out Rage Gallon. A “borg” is a large alcoholic drink usually made in a gallon container.

Hundreds of videos online show teens making borgs and drinking them. People typically make a borg by pouring out about half of the water from a gallon jug and filling it with vodka. Then, they add flavorings, caffeine, and electrolyte packets. Finally, they write a silly name on the side of the concoction–think “Borgasaurus Rex” and other similar puns. 

The Dangers of Borg Drinking

People who make videos about borgs typically try to sell this drink as a way to consume a massive amount of alcohol without feeling hungover the next day. Some of the advertised benefits of borg drinking include:

  • There is less risk of contamination because people only drink out of their own borgs
  • Reduced concern about a drink being spiked because it has a cap
  • Minimized risk of dehydration because of the extra water and electrolytes in the drink

But health experts believe that borg drinking is actually very dangerous. Drinking a borg means consuming a dangerous amount of alcohol–as much as 16 or more servings of alcohol. People often can’t taste the alcohol in the borg, meaning they consume more alcohol in a shorter period. This puts people at risk for alcohol overdose and other risks of binge drinking, including:

  • Increased risk of being the victim of a crime, including a sexual assault
  • Being injured by falling, drowning, or other preventable causes
  • Causing or being involved in a car accident as a result of intoxicated driving
  • Increased risk for physical altercations, homicide, and suicide
  • Sexually transmitted diseases and unintended pregnancies

One of the most significant concerns around borg drinking is the risk of alcohol poisoning. Emergency responders near college campuses have noticed an increase in alcohol-related calls in campuses where borg drinking is widespread, and many teens and young adults have been hospitalized after drinking a borg.

While electrolytes, water, and caffeine can all mask the perceived effects of alcohol or reduce the intensity of a hangover, they do not prevent the effects of alcohol on your body. Heavy or binge drinking can increase your long-term risk of developing certain cancers, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and other severe health complications. It’s essential to seek treatment for alcohol abuse as soon as you recognize it.

Do I Need Treatment for Alcohol Abuse?

Borg drinking is one form of binge drinking that can lead to short and long-term health consequences. If you consume large amounts of alcohol frequently, you are at risk of developing tolerance and addiction. You are also more likely to experience accidents, injuries, or alcohol poisoning due to your heavy drinking.

Recognizing an unhealthy relationship with alcohol and alcohol abuse is the first step in getting the help you need to regain control and live a healthy, sober lifestyle. Here are some signs that you may need professional help for an alcohol use disorder:

  • You frequently drink more than you intended to
  • You have to drink more to get “buzzed” or can drink a lot without feeling the effects
  • You spend a lot of time getting alcohol, drinking, or dealing with hangovers
  • Your drinking keeps you from taking care of your responsibilities at home, work, or school
  • If you don’t drink, you experience withdrawal symptoms like shaky hands, sweating, insomnia, and nausea
  • You have tried to drink less but have found it challenging
  • You feel like you have to drink in social situations or to deal with uncomfortable emotions
  • You face social, legal, or financial trouble because of your drinking

These signs could mean you need help to safely stop drinking and avoid relapse. Get treatment as soon as you recognize a problem.

Learn More About the Risks of Borg Drinking

Borg drinking is a highly dangerous practice that can lead to disastrous consequences. It may also be a sign of an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. Reach out to the alcohol abuse treatment experts at the Mandala Healing Center now to learn about our holistic approach to alcoholism treatment. Call our intake specialists to set up a substance abuse eval or with any questions you have.