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What is Dual Diagnosis Addiction Treatment Like in West Palm Beach?

Mental health conditions and substance abuse often come hand in hand. While it’s unclear which condition causes the other, there is an undeniable link between mental health and addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “7.7 Million adults have co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders”. [1]

Unfortunately, it is common for individuals suffering from co-occurring disorders to never receive the treatment they need. Whether this is due to high treatment costs, feelings of shame surrounding mental health, or fear of the unknown, it is clear that more conversations regarding dual diagnosis treatment need to be had.

Because many individuals lack education on the processes of dual diagnosis treatment, they may be afraid to commit to their recovery. As a result, it is important to discuss what dual diagnosis addiction treatment is like in West Palm Beach.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

The National Institute of Health (NIH) describes dual diagnosis as an individual having “both a mental disorder and an alcohol or drug problem”.[2] There is no one answer to how a dual diagnosis forms, but there are a few common risk factors to the development of co-occurring disorders.

The NIH provides the following reasons as to why co-occurring disorders develop:[2]

  • Risk factors, such as genetics, stress, and trauma, lead to the development of mental health and substance use disorders.
  • Untreated mental health disorders sometimes lead to self-medication through the use of drugs or alcohol.
  • Substance abuse changes the way an individual’s brain functions, leading to the development of a mental health condition.

Recovering from either addiction or a mental health condition takes a lot of time, personal dedication, and professional help. When someone suffers from co-occurring disorders, treatment may become complicated. This is because the substance use disorder and mental health condition must be treated simultaneously. Otherwise, one condition may trigger a relapse in the other. Thankfully, dual diagnosis addiction treatment centers in West Palm Beach have created individualized and comprehensive treatment plans to address both disorders during the course of treatment.

What to Expect During Dual Diagnosis Addiction Treatment in West Palm Beach

Deciding to enter a dual diagnosis treatment center in West Palm Beach can be confusing and intimidating. Individuals suffering from co-occurring disorders already deal with high levels of stress, difficult emotions, and even distrust towards the medical community. This may stem from an individual experiencing failed treatment in the past or falling victim to stigmas surrounding mental health and addiction. Because of this, individuals need to be aware of the process of dual diagnosis treatment so they can understand how this form of treatment is effective.

Medical Detox

Like most forms of addiction treatment, dual diagnosis programs begin with medical detox. Medical detox is the first step in treating addiction. When an individual decides to quit using a substance, they often experience symptoms of withdrawal. This is because their body is now lacking a chemical that it began to rely on to function normally.

As an individual’s body begins to rid itself of drugs or alcohol, symptoms of withdrawal will start to appear. Oftentimes, these symptoms are uncomfortable, painful, and even dangerous. Symptoms of withdrawal are one of the leading causes of relapse for individuals in early recovery. This is where medical detox comes in. Instead of leaving patients to deal with the uncomfortable side effects of withdrawal, doctors utilize FDA-approved medications to soothe symptoms and prevent patients from relapsing.

But why is this step so important to dual diagnosis treatment? Detox allows patients to fully focus on the mental and emotional aspects of dual diagnosis treatment by overcoming the physical effects of addiction and substance abuse. In other words, medical detox paves the way for the treatment of the causes of a patient’s addiction as well as the management of their mental health condition.

Individual and Group Therapy

Once an individual completes the detox phase of treatment, they will begin attending individual and group therapy. This is where they will receive help for their mental disorders, learn healthy coping mechanisms, and get to the bottom of the causes of their issues with substance abuse.

Typically, dual diagnosis addiction treatment programs utilize varying forms of behavioral therapies. Each patient may receive a different combination of therapy types, as dual diagnosis treatment emphasizes individualized treatment plans. This is done to ensure that therapy is specific to each patient’s needs.

Common forms of therapy utilized in dual diagnosis rehabs include:[3]

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
  • Motivational Interviewing (MI)
  • 12-Step Facilitation
  • Holistic Therapy

In addition to therapy, individuals may be prescribed medication to assist in the treatment of their mental health conditions. It is important to note that patients will be given non-addictive forms of mental health medications to prevent their substance abuse issues from worsening.

Aftercare Planning

Once a patient has met all of their treatment goals in detox, individual therapy, and group counseling, the treatment professionals will help them create an aftercare plan. Aftercare planning is designed to give patients all of the resources and support they need to successfully transition into everyday life.

Aftercare planning may include:

  • A list of triggers and healthy coping mechanisms to prevent relapse
  • Referrals to sober living housing to provide a structured transition out of residential treatment
  • Recommendations for local support groups (12-step groups, alumni groups, addiction support groups, and mental health support groups)
  • Education or job assistance
  • Continued therapy on an outpatient basis
  • Alumni support groups that the treatment center provides

Start Dual Diagnosis Treatment in West Palm Beach Today

If you or a loved one suffer from co-occurring disorders, it may be time to consider attending professional treatment. Dual diagnosis treatment facilities like Mandala Healing Center provide patients with integrated mental health and addiction treatment care. By providing medical detox, evidence-based therapies, and aftercare planning, we set our patients up for long-term sobriety and mental health recovery. Contact us today for more information on how to get started.

