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Where to Find an Oxycodone Rehab Center in West Palm Beach

Opioid addiction is a common yet devastating problem in the United States. The more opioids you abuse, the more likely you are to experience a life-threatening overdose. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), opioids were responsible for 81,806 overdose deaths in 2022.[1]

One of the most commonly abused opioids is known as oxycodone. While this substance is a prescription drug used to treat severe and chronic pain, it is incredibly habit-forming. Abusing it can lead to a euphoric and relaxing high, making it highly sought after by opioid users.

If you are addicted to oxycodone, the best way to recover is to attend a professional drug rehab center. These treatment facilities offer a wide range of services to ensure that you achieve long-term recovery from opioid addiction. But how do you find an oxycodone rehab center in West Palm Beach?

Mandala Healing Center makes oxycodone rehab accessible to all. If you are looking for oxycodone addiction treatment in Florida, you’ve come to the right place. Our treatment facility offers medical detox, medication-assisted treatment, therapies, and more.

In this article, you will learn:

  • Where you can find an oxycodone rehab center in West Palm Beach
  • What to expect during an oxycodone addiction treatment program
  • Why medical detox, therapy, and relapse prevention are vital for recovery from opioid addiction

Finding Oxycodone Rehab in West Palm Beach

Mandala Healing Center offers evidence-based and compassionate care to ensure that each client receives the tools and support they need to recover.

At the Mandala Healing Center, our staff members are highly trained, experienced, and qualified to treat the disease of addiction. The nurses, doctors, therapists, and techs will be ready to support you through whatever challenges may arise. Because of our compassionate approach, you will feel comfortable enough to be fully open about your needs, wants, and goals during treatment.

Like all other substance use disorders, we take opioid addiction seriously. You will have access to medically supervised detox, medication-assisted treatment, evidence-based therapies, and more. By offering these services, we can guarantee that you will experience healing during our program.

What to Expect During Oxycodone Rehab in West Palm Beach

Addiction treatment happens in stages. Treatment involves:


When you arrive at an oxycodone addiction treatment center, you will undergo an in-depth assessment. Medical professionals will ask you questions about your physical and mental health, as well as your history of oxycodone abuse. The information gathered will be used to create an individualized treatment plan.

Your treatment plan might include how long you should remain in rehab, whether you need medical detox, if you have health problems that should be addressed, and more.


Once your treatment plan is created, you will begin medical detox. Oxycodone detox centers help you overcome the withdrawal symptoms caused by stopping your oxycodone use. Oftentimes, medications are used to limit withdrawal symptoms and keep you medically stable.

When treating oxycodone withdrawal, several medications could be used. Your doctor will help you decide which medication is best for you. The common medications used to treat oxycodone withdrawal include:

  • Suboxone
  • Methadone
  • Lucemyra
  • Clonidine

Once you overcome withdrawal, your doctor might recommend that you stay on medications like Suboxone or methadone to prevent relapse. This is known as medication-assisted treatment. You and your doctor will work together to determine if MAT is right for you.

Evidence-Based Therapies

Oxycodone rehab centers use both individual therapy and group counseling to help you recover. Individual therapy is ideal for overcoming the root causes of your addiction, while group counseling is good for developing communication skills, learning coping mechanisms, and gaining peer support.

The types of therapies used during individual and group counseling are considered “evidence-based therapies.” This means they have been clinically proven effective for treating substance use disorders.

Examples of evidence-based therapies used during oxycodone rehab in West Palm Beach include:[2]

Relapse Prevention and Aftercare

Before you leave the rehab center, you will create a relapse prevention plan. This might include identifying triggers for relapse, learning healthy coping mechanisms to deal with cravings, and having a plan in place in case of a relapse or slip-up.

An important aspect of relapse prevention is aftercare, which keeps you connected to addiction recovery after you complete your treatment program. Oxycodone rehab programs in West Palm Beach might offer the following aftercare services:

  • Continued therapy
  • Medication management
  • Access to an alumni support group
  • Referrals to outpatient or sober living programs
  • Recommendations for local addiction support groups
  • Case management services like vocational assistance

Get Connected to an Oxycodone Addiction Treatment Center in West Palm Beach

If you or a loved one struggles with oxycodone addiction, it’s time to seek help. While finding the right oxycodone rehab center in West Palm Beach can be difficult, you’ve come to the right place. The Mandala Healing Center will help you or your loved one regain control over your life.

Contact us today to learn more about our oxycodone rehab center in West Palm Beach.


  1. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): Drug Overdose Death Rates
  2. The National Library of Medicine (NLM): Evidence-based practices for substance use disorders