William Weiss

How Much Alcohol Is Too Much?

How Much Alcohol Is Too Much

When it comes to the question of how much alcohol per day is too much, you might hear conflicting answers. There are varying guidelines from different organizations, although they tend to be somewhat similar. Recommendations about how much alcohol per day is too much are designed to minimize the risk of related health problems and How Much Alcohol Is Too Much?

Does Alcohol Affect Your Kidneys?

Does Alcohol Affect Your Kidneys

Our kidneys filter waste and excess fluid from the body, maintaining our balance of electrolytes and regulating blood pressure. In moderation, alcohol consumption may not be harmful to the kidneys, but chronic or excessive drinking can have major effects on the function of the kidneys. When you understand how alcohol affects your kidneys, it can Does Alcohol Affect Your Kidneys?

The Importance of Life Skills Therapy in Addiction Treatment

The Importance of Life Skills Therapy in Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a complicated condition requiring a comprehensive approach to treatment for lasting recovery. Life skills therapy is among the different therapeutic interventions that can be part of a treatment program. In life skills therapy, the approach goes beyond addressing the immediate effects of addiction. It helps equip you with the skills to effectively and The Importance of Life Skills Therapy in Addiction Treatment